


デザインとナラティヴの可能性を探索する 〜個人的な物語は、社会を変える力になる〜



 チリのポンティフィカトリック大学とイギリスのロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アートで学び、現在はイギリスのFora Designの一員として活動するカラ・デル・リオ。彼女が手掛けるロンドンのカムデン・カウンシルのコミュニティエンゲージメントのプロジェクトを通して、システミック・デザインと写真を用いたアプローチを交差させ、どのようにコミュニティに力を与えることができるかを紹介します。



 In recent years, the design world has begun to advocate a way of designing that seeks to transition to a sustainable world as a response to the social distortions caused by modernisation. This event will share the practical knowledge and discuss the possibilities through the perspectives of designers who have studied in academia in Japan, South America and Europe, exploring the intersection of humanistic knowledge and design, and attempting transitions to a sustainable and relationship based. The key word is ‘personal narratives’. By collecting and interpreting fragmentary narratives of individuals in society, we will explore how design can sublimate them into social impact.

 Takuro Nuruki studied at Musashino Art University MA Creative Leadership and at the Royal College of Art  MA Service Design in the UK. He founded the magazine and designer collective ‘polaris’, a travel magazine that explores the intersection of design and the humanities, and is currently developing research projects in Asia, the US and Europe. In this event, members of polaris will present and discuss their design practice projects.

 Cala Del Rio, who studied at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Royal College of Art MA Service Design in the UK and is now part of Fora Design in the UK, will present her work on a project for Camden Council in London. Through her project for Adult Social Care in Camden Council London, she will share how design and relational research can empower communities using the intersection of systemic design, design-led research and photography.

 Masato Ushimaru studied visual cultural anthropology at Aarhus University, Denmark, and works with KESIKI, a cultural design firm in Tokyo. Together with visually impaired people living in the Philippines, he will conduct an ethnography of community care practices, focusing on the autonomous communities and social movements they form. Through the production of ethnographic films, the project will share examples of situational, emergent and generative understandings of care relationships that transcend the dichotomous role perceptions of ‘care giver’ and ‘care receiver’.

*This event is in Japanese. Japanese consecutive interpretation will be provided for the English-speaking parts.


2024年9⽉11⽇(水)18:30-20:30(18:00 開場)
武蔵野美術⼤学市ヶ⾕キャンパス 5階
雑誌polaris/STUDIO BOUKEI/Fora Design
デザインとナラティヴの可能性を探索する 〜個人的な物語は、社会を変える力になる〜

カムデン・カウンシルにおけるシステミックデザインを活用したコミュニティエンゲージメントの取り組みについて(Cala Del Rio)※英→日 逐次通訳予定

"OUR CO-BLIND”フィリピン・バギオのコミュニティにおけるケア実践と映像人類学のアプローチについて(牛丸維人)

塗木 拓朗
雑誌polaris編集長。早稲田大学で政治学を専攻し、東京のクリエイティブ・エージェンシーでストラテジックデザイナーとして勤務。2021年に武蔵野美術大学クリエイティブリーダーシップコースでデザイン修士号、2023年に英Royal College of Art MA Service DesignでMaster of Arts取得。東京とロンドンを拠点に活動するトラベルマガジン、デザイナーズコレクティブ『polaris』主宰。世界を旅し、人々が紡ぐ物語を集め、その異なる価値観と原理を探求する。

チリ出身のデザイナー、写真家、ストラテジストであり思索家。チリのPontificia Universidad Católica de Chileを卒業し、2023年に英Royal College of Art MA Service DesignでMaster of Arts取得。現在はイギリス・ロンドンのデザインスタジオFora Designの一員として活動。公共サービス、民間コンサルタント、学術研究などの分野で、アイデアの創造的な原動力生み出す。美学と芸術の歴史に情熱を注ぎ、写真作品のレンズを通して、その創造的な眼でユニークなビジュアルストーリーを捉える。システマティックな思考を持ち、異質な領域間のつながりを見つけ、多様なプロジェクトに価値と意味をもたらす物語創りを得意とする。

飛騨高山生まれ。多様なデザインプロジェクトのリードであり、人類学的フィールドワークに根差したドキュメンタリー写真・映像の制作者。散歩と古道具探し、フィールドレコーディングに情熱を注ぐ。カルチャーデザインファームKESIKI プロジェクトリード。一橋大学にて学士(社会科学)、Aarhus University MSc in Visual Anthropology 修了

武蔵野美術大学 クリエイティブイノベーション学科 教授。リベラルアーツと建築・都市デザインを学んだ後、博報堂においてマーケティング、ブランディング、イノベーション、事業開発、投資などに従事。2021年より武蔵野美術大学クリエイティブイノベーション学科に着任し、ストラテジックデザイン、ビジネスデザインを専門として研究・教育活動に従事しながら、ビジネスデザイナーとしての実務を行っている。
Date and time
September 11, 2024 18:30-20:30 (doors open 18:00)
Musashino Art University Ichigaya Campus, 5th Floor
Musashino Art University Research Center for Social Creativity
Co-organised by
Polaris magazine/STUDIO BOUKEI/Fora Design

Participation fee
2000 yen, free of charge for students (advance registration on Peatix is required for both)
Please register through peatix
Exploring the possibilities of design and narrative Personal narratives are a transformative power in society.
Introduction : travel Magazine and designers' collective “polaris” (Hironori Iwasaki / Takuro Nuriki)

A practice of community engagement with using systemic design in Camden Council (Cala Del Rio) *English to Japanese consecutive interpretation to be provided.

"OUR CO-BLIND" A visual anthropology approaches in a care community in Baguio, Philippines (Masato Ushimaru)

19:50-20:30: Panel discussion "Exploring the possibilities of design and narrative - Personal narratives are a transformative power in society"
Takuro Nuruki
Designer and editor from Tokyo. He majored in political science at Waseda University and worked as a strategic designer at a creative agency in Tokyo, where he was involved in brand and business planning for companies. He received a Master of Design degree from Musashino Art University's Institution of Innovation in 2021 and a Master of Arts degree from the Royal College of Art in 2023. He is currently the president of POT, a publisher and designer collective based in the UK, Japan, China, and Chile. He explores new possibilities spun by design and narrative.

Cala Del Rio Alemparte
A Chilean designer, photographer, and strategic thinker currently based in London, UK. She has honed her skills to create innovative design solutions in public service, private consultancy, and academic research contexts, always applying design methods to preserve the creative drive of an idea. She has a passion for aesthetics and the history of art, showcased through the lens of her photographic work, where she uses her creative eye to capture unique visual stories. As a systemic thinker, she is skilled at finding connections between disparate areas and creating narratives that bring value and meaning to diverse projects.

Masato Ushimaru
Born in Hida Takayama, Japan. Lead designer of diverse design projects and producer of documentary photography and film rooted in anthropological fieldwork. Passionate about walking, finding old tools and field recording. Project lead of cultural design firm KESIKI. BA (Social Sciences) from Hitotsubashi University, MSc in Visual Anthropology from Aarhus University.

Hironori Iwasaki
Hironori is a professor at Department of Creative Innovation, Musashino Art University in Tokyo, where he teaches business strategy and design practice. He is specialized in strategic design and business design. He has been awarded many awards including Red Dot Award Communication Design and D&AD Awards Design Transformation Category. He received master’s degree from Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology and PhD in Management Science from Kyoto University.